NEW FOREST: Another sell-out ‘Whodunnit’ event marked courtesy of Fordingbridge Twinning
Once again, Fordingbridge Twinning came up with the goods and produced another amazing “always a sell-out” murder mystery play, last Saturday evening 19th March, at St Mary’s Church Hall, whereby the audience had to work out “whodunnit”…
This time, only two (out of an audience of 70) of the audience, got it right!

Other twinning events on the horizon, include the AGM on 5th May evening, which includes cheese and wine, a visit to our twinning town, Vimoutiers, Normandy, over the first weekend in July, a twinning members tea-party on Sunday afternoon 21st August at the Victoria Rooms in Fordingbridge, and the annual musical soiree, again featuring the popular “Blue Tides” at the Town Hall, on Saturday evening 29th October.
For further details, contact Derek Ayling, Publicity Officer, &/or Alison Ayling, Chairman, on 01425 650770, or by email on