HEALTH: Support your immune system

Has the threat of the Corona virus COVID-19 made you think more about your health and immunity? Leading immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi shares her tips on improving immunity.  

It is a reality that today’s world is not really conducive to giving our bodies what we need to keep well. And the immune system is what keeps us well, it’s protecting us, silently working hard all day every day – we don’t even realise it. 

There is no cure for the coronavirus (COVID-19), but what we do know is that to fight a virus, if there is not a specific anti-viral or a vaccination for it – you have to rely on your immune system, because this is all that we have.

Leading immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi specialises in understanding how nutrition and lifestyle interact with the immune system in health and disease. At this critical time, it is essential to take care of your immune system.

  • Quality sleep – Specialised viral fighting cells called Natural Killer cells are one of our first lines of defence against the cold and flu. Just one bad night’s sleep can make the numbers of the cells plummet by 70%
  • Eat well – More than 70% of our immune system is located in the gut, make sure you are getting good plant diversity and fibre
  • Less stress – Stress is one of the major contributors to an unbalanced immune system and susceptibility to infections. It’s important to try and reduce as much as you can through breathing techniques or just taking a moment to have a good culpa
  • Increase vitamins
  • Vitamin C – When infection hits, our bodies demand for vitamin C goes up.  Research shows that supplementing with mega doses when catching a cold can help speed up recover
  • Vitamin D – In the winter, we don’t get enough sunlight for our skin to produce sufficient vitamin D so it’s a good idea to take extra to help our immune system
  • Zinc – Zinc is involved in supporting over 300 enzyme reactions which are involved in our immune system.  According to recent research, short term use of high dose zinc can help immune defences fight a cold faster.
  • Take a supplement. In order to build your immune system as much as possible, a wholistic approach is always best covering all the bases. In times of need, a dose of max strength vitamins from  Tonic Health (10 sachets for £5.99. Available from – a  super high strength vitamin supplement which can help to boost general immunity, and also contains 50% more Vitamin C, D and Zinc than comparable products on the market. It contains all natural and have added plant extracts to support immunity.
  • Don’t forget to:
    • Wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
    • Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
    • Use hand sanitiser gel (alcohol 60%+) if soap and water are not available
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
    • Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
    • Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell

 Boost your immunity –right now! 

NEW TONIC HEALTH is packed with high does of nature’s powerful immune boosters – 

Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc. The right vitamins when you need them most

Feeling rundown? Or want to super charge your immunity for an important event or busy period? At times like these Tonic Health can give you a little extra boost to feel your fighting best.

Tonic Health was developed with nutritional medicine scientists, and the unique, natural formula uses a combination of high dose vitamin C, D and Zinc combined with real plant extracts in a hot soothing drink.

 Leading Immunologist, Dr Jenna Macciochi says: “If you’re feeling rundown, or just want to make sure you are at in the best of health, a high dose of extra vitamins such as C, D and minerals such as zinc, as featured in Tonic Health, can really help. These ingredients have been shown to both protect the immune system and also speed up recovery in times of sickness.”

  • Tonic Health contains 1.5g of vitamin C, the highest dose on the market. Vitamin C in particular has been shown to reduce the duration and the severity of a cold. The latest scientific studies have shown that high doses at first sign of a cold can speed up recovery by up to two whole days.
  • Tonic Health contains 25mg of zinc. According to recent research, if used short-term, a high dose of zinc can help immune defences fight a cold much faster and zinc helps our tissues to return to normal once the infection is over.  Zinc isn’t something we should be supplementing with constantly all year round, but if we feel we are at when we really need it.
  • Tonic Health contains 30mg of Vitamin D to help the body increase its Vitamin D levels, and immunity. Getting your intake of Vitamin D can be harder, especially in the months as most vitamin D comes from sunlight. Vitamin D is vital to both the defence and regulating functions of the immune system.
  • Tonic Health Elderberry and Blackcurrant contains 300mg of Elderberry, the all-natural plant polyphenol powerhouse to help you through winter. Elderberry is a long-established medicinal plant with magical antiviral properties. Studies have show that elderberries can specifically shorten the duration of and reduce the symptoms of respiratory, due to their inflammation with antiviral properties infections.
  • Tonic Health Lemon and Honey contains 150mg of lemon juice powder, 200mg of ginger extract and natural honey. Lemon, ginger and honey are a well-established natural remedy for the cold and flu, helping recovery. Used for generations, this trio has stood the test of time. Honey is more effective as a cough suppressant for children when tested against dextromethorphan (used in many cough medicines). NHS UK now recommends honey first, rather than antibiotics for treatment of coughs. 

Jenna continues, “Tonic Health is 50% stronger than comparable products, meaning a higher impact and higher dose, and giving you the right vitamins when you need them most. Tonic Health uses only real plant extracts, which contain natural benefits that can’t be replaced by artificial flavouring or additives. There are many similar products on the market that are full of unnecessary sweeteners, fillers, and synthetic products. Tonic Health is the only natural immunity supplement on the market with no added sugar or artificial sweeteners.”

For more information about Tonic Health, please visit 

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Author: minervadigi