EDUCATION: A small, supportive learning environment at Slindon College

For some children, larger schools and classrooms can mean reduced teacher interaction, elevated noise and an increased chance of disruption which can create barriers to learning… 

Slindon College’s ‘Keep it small, know them all’ ethos enables staff to get to know their pupils helping them to re-engage with learning in order to reach their full potential.

Small class sizes lead to more one-on-one attention for the pupil.

Teachers get to know each pupil as an individual, working with them to enhance their strengths and improve their weaknesses. This customized approach gives pupils access to learning on their level.

The Specialist Teachers continuously liaise with Subject Teachers to disseminate useful individualised strategies which are then implemented across the whole College.

Learning is more hands-on.

In a smaller class, pupils have increased opportunity for hands-on learning, allowing them to experience the subjects they are learning about rather than just being told about it. This is especially beneficial for pupils who learn better by doing rather than just listening.

The multisensory and augmentative teaching facilities allow for practical learning as well as quiet, independent reflection dependent on the needs of the pupil.

Sixth Formers are offered a bespoke timetable. Through work experience placements, life skills courses and building links with local further education providers, the boys are given the experience necessary to make the transition to the wider world a positive one.

Pupils feel valued and understood.

In large schools and classrooms, the number of pupils can be intimidating, but in smaller environments pupils can grow in confidence. Pupils at Slindon College are given time to contribute, making them feel valued and respected.

Slindon College provides Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning for pupils that need help with self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.

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Minerva Studio
Author: Minerva Studio